Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Are your passions coming to life?

I have a passion for health and fitness.
I have a passion for day planners and checklists and goal setting.
I have a passion for writing.

I am so excited to see all the things I love to do coming together in a huge way.

In 2018 I will be releasing a project I am working on to be available to all of you in a HUGE way! 

Let me explain my passions a bit...

Writing -
I was the A+ English student in school.  I was the kid who has read all the books and loved to write long reports.  While other kids whined about multiple page essays as assignments, I was silently cheering.  I had one teacher write on my 13 page report that was only supposed to be 2 pages, "This is great, but I don't have time to read it all.  Try to shorten the next one. You get an A- because it's a little too long.  It would have been an A+."  In high school my dream was, I was going to be a writer.  I knew it.  I went to college and chose English as my major.  My dream was crushed when one of my English professors didn't see my writing as awesome as my high school teachers had.  I hated the red pen all over my papers criticizing everything.  I apparently wasn't good with criticism.   So I gave up on my writing career and switched to psychology, and then dance/ Kinesiology.   But I still love to write.

Day planners and checklists -
I am a HUGE fan of Franklin planner systems.  I grew up on them.  When I didn't have the budget to buy a cool planner, I would make my own.  Every day was mapped out with timelines and to-do lists.  I found that I functioned better when I sat down and looked at the day and mapped everything out.  I have been in that habit for many many many years.  I can't even remember when I started doing it. I know that the times I took breaks and didn't do this that I was unfit and depressed with no focus for my life.  My husband doesn't function quite like I do.  He rarely looks at a calendar or schedule.  I live by them.  So we have to try and get used to each others methods for success.  I have found that he will often hijack my planning pages and write things like "Kiss Bill" on my to-do lists. It's his hilarious way of trying to make sure I plan some time for him in my busy life.  And he is right.  Sometimes I plan so much, I forget to take time for those important relationships.  So I have learned to plan all that in as well.

Fitness -
If you've been following me at all, you know I love exercise and living an active lifestyle.  I can't sit still for too long.  I love dancing, hiking, Stand up Paddling and everything that moves the body and gets the blood flowing. But most importantly, I love seeing other people be able to do all those things.  I created the Phazes 40/20 circuit as a way to create healthier bodies that could move and do all those amazing things that gives life some fire.  I love being able to help anyone of any fitness level, no matter how challenging, to do things they have never done before.  I love seeing physical changes that bring mental changes and vice versa. I have been blessed to be able to do this for the past decade and more.

 I love calendar blocking, timelines, vision boards and all of that.  My upcoming fitness project will incorporate all my passions here into your fitness routine.  It's fascinating and super awesome to realize that my crazy passions can actually bless other people's lives. 

Take some time to write down all the things you love to do and are passionate about.  Is your work involving any of those?  Are you living a life that brings your gifts, talents and passions to light?  You were given abilities and talents.  Write them down.  Do things every day that shines a light on those talents.

Keep following me...  I am stoked to bring some really exciting things later next year.  I am working on those dreams daily for you to enjoy.

God Bless
 - Michelle

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