Saturday, September 29, 2018

Day one again....

Do you ever feel like it's day one, over and over and over?
I actually think that's great.  I mean there is a great reward for those that just remain consistent and never stop doing everything right all the time.  But the unconquerable spirit of those that have fallen off the wagon and gotten back up again and again... I am with you!
I am a food addict.  I have a hard time kicking the fast food and soda. 
I am naturally a total beach bum and would be happy to sit on the couch all the time and watch netflix.  Right?  Right.  I know some of you feel me.
So often I fall out of the daily habit of clean foods and daily exercise. 
I started my fitness business to keep me accountable because I would be helping others to get healthy.  But there are times when I am not teaching a fitness class or that I have busy days and fast food is just easy... and then.... yup... I've gained a few pounds and feel like crap.
Then I catch it and get back up and go again.  Say a few Motivational affirmations about How I can do anything and look at my goals and get back up at it again.

This is normal.

So if this sounds familiar - Don't beat yourself up about it.  Just recognize that you are trying and go for it. Again.

It's another type of consistency, consistently getting back up.  It is okay.  It is awesome. 

Today I started my first day of running.  Again.  I have a love/hate relatinship with running.  I have set a goal of doing another marathon before age 50. I turn 45 next week.  SO I have 5 years to get there before my time limit is up.  Right?
I don't love running.  I love finish lines to cross.  I love doing something hard and saying "I did it!".  That's what I love.
I tried to get some friends to go with me.  But none of my newly professed "running buddies" showed up.  So I waited for a minute or two.  Then my Dog and my 11 year old son and I headed off.  I REALLY did not feel like running.  I mean, it's been...  I don't know how long since my last actual run.  Running is different than teaching a fitness class.  It takes different muscles and is a totally different feeling.  So, I felt out of shape and really not in the mood.  I could have just gone home and said, forget it.  This sucks. My friends flaked and running is hard. 
BUT, I remembered my day one of my long ago journey where I was very much alone.  just me and my dog and I had passed out just walking a block.
I remembered how tough that first day one really was about 10 years ago.  That was a different me.  But I did it.  I took a few steps every day and built up slowly to where I was finally running races.  It took years.
On today's Day one, I gave myself permission to start over.  To just walk.  So I walked.  I walked briskly instead of running and it felt amazing!
I did not hate it.
I loved it!
Sometimes we have to give permission to listen to the right voices.  There were a few voices today.
Voice 1: Give up and go home. 
Voice 2: Run hard even though you hate it.  You have something to prove to other people.  You can kick ass!!!!!!!!!
Voice 3: Walking is okay too since it's been a while. It's okay to let go of ego.

I chose voice 3
That was the right choice for me today.
I started over with my running journey today.  Walking is ok. 
What are you starting over with today?
What are the baby steps you are choosing or are you an all in kind of person?
What are the voices you will be listening to today on your day one?